Wednesday 6 November 2013


                           A MUST READ FOR EVERYONE

Nobody was born with poverty stamped on his or her forehead. For the fact that you were born naked does not mean you were born poor. Every one born into this world came with nothing, yet some are famous others are not. That goes to show that God is not partial, especially to those who want to blame the state of their poverty on their creator.
No matter how rich you are, it is impossible, even with all the cash you can muster to persuade God to give you an opportunity to get into your wife’s womb just to put an expensive cloth on your unborn daughter before she appears on the face of earth so that at least she will be better than others. And you know what God did not only stop there. Apart from making sure everyone who came into this world, came in naked, He also gave everyone equal opportunity and that is time. He gave everyone twenty four hours, no addition and no subtraction.
Now what is the problem?

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