Twenty nine-year-old Dennis Okike, who emerged as the 10th Ultimate Champion on Gulder Ultimate Search, reality show, has dedicated his triumphant victory to his mother.
Speaking shortly after he was declared winner, Okike said: “Mama, I did this for you”. Okike, a native of Abia state is a graduate of Electronics Engineering from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
The young winner who has a passion for cars and intends to establish a successful international import and export business, outsmarted Dr. Edmund Umeabuani and Ifunanya Onike in the waters of Usaka River, where the final battle among the warriors fervently seeking for the 10th symbol took place.
For his feat, Dennis will win N10 million and a brand new Mitsubishi Pajero 3.0L GLS AT( full option) courtesy of CFAO Motors Nigeria, the official automotive partners of Gulder Ultimate Search 10.
On the final day of the search, the warriors got a message from the Council of Elders ordering them to pack their bags and make their ways to where they draw water where they met Chidi Mokeme to give them the next set of instructions.
The final task was to search for the 10th Symbol and each of them had to use a clue that took them to two different locations to retrieve two pieces of the map that would lead to where the 10th Symbol was buried. Another clue at their first locations would direct them to the next location.
It was a race against time and the last man to the next location, Bobby was evicted.
Edmund and Ifunanya’s first clue led them to the Place of the Talking Drum to retrieve the first map piece; while Bobby and Dennis went to the Mud Field.
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